Blogroll 16

I have been inspired by so many great people regardless of what they do. They are my childhood superheroes, musicians, leaders from books, revolutionists, volunteers, teachers, my friends and family etc… The list goes on. I learn from them, try hard to mimic and eventually find myself to be one of them. A few months ago, I was inspired by some fund managers and other financial bloggers and decided to start my own so that I can learn, share and hopefully inspire. Without referring the fund managers and financial bloggers, my blog is never complete.

Here are the fund managers and bloggers that I think we can learn so much from.


Great Canadian Investing and Personal Finance Blogs and Websites

Don’t Fuck With Donville

Freedom 35

Get Smarter About Money

The Greater Fool

My Own Advisor


Robin Speziale

Canadian Couch Potato

Canadian Money Forum

Millenniel RevolutionĀ 

Million Dollar Journey

Money Geek


The Blunt Bean Counter


Amazing US Investing and PersonalĀ Finance Blogs and Websites

1500 Days to Freedom

A Wealth of Common Sense

Base Hit Investing

Budgets Are Sexy

CS Investing


Financial Samurai

FI Fighter

Gen Y Finance Guy

Go Curry Cracker

Investment Hunting

Mad Fientist

Making Sense of Cents

Modest Money

Mr. Money Mustache

My Money Blog

Net Net Hunter

Old School Value

Oddball Stocks

Retire by 40

Rockstar Finance

Root of Good

The Millionaire Educator

The Brooklyn InvestorĀ 


Whale Wisdom


Other Wonderful Blogs


No More Waffles


Solid fund managers

Berkshire Hathaway

Sequoia Fund

SQ Advisors- Lou Simpson

Third Point- Daniel Loeb

Markel Corp- Thomas Gayner

Brave Warrior Advisors LLC- Glenn Greenberg

Gotham Funds- Joel Greenblatts

Graham and Doddsville

Akre Capital Management-Chuck Akre

Hillside Wealth Management

5i research

Donville Kent

Giverny Capital

Turtle Creek Asset management


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