How to succeed at university 1


library-431445_640Post-secondary education nowadays is a must have. You will be limited of landing a good job if you have only high school degree. You may say I will just start my business etc.. but you will need some upfront saving to start off whatever your dreams you have and it would be easier if you have well paid jobs to save up for your dream. Post-secondary education sets the tone of your career and excelling in it is extremely important to land your dream job. So I wanted to start off this section by sharing general but important tips to be successful in the university.

1. Go to lectures.

Learning in University or college is like practicing jobs. Treat it like a job. You must be on time at lectures and show your respect to the professors and lecturers. Trust me, they worked try very hard to make the lectures more interesting and engaging. Try to take advantage on their hard work.

2. Approach to your lecturers and professors.

This may apply to your job. Think them as your boss. If you have a better click with your boss, then they will help you progress and prosper. The lecturers and professors are people too and reasonable professors will recognize you differently and may give favoritism if you show your enthusiasm by asking questions, bugging them during office hours and make a personal connection with them.

3. Don’t miss easy marks.

Never miss any deadlines. Typically 10-20% of your mark would be allocated to assignments. Do whatever it takes to get all the marks available from the assignments as they are the easiest and more controllable marks that are given to you.

4. Get good grades.

People know you need to work hard to get good grades. I have reviewed a lot of resumes and one of the first things that I look at is whether the person consistently worked hard which can be seen from their mark. You don’t need to have great grades but good grades proves that you worked hard and will work hard if the company hires you.

5. Be healthy and don’t be sick

Eat well and sleep well. You won’t be happy if you get sick during the exam period after you have prepared for the exam over 3 months. It is more important to be less prepared but well rested than over-prepared and tired.

6. Have a good time

Studying is tough and you will have lots of pressure going through courses and exams however sometimes you need to recharge your battery by having little fun with your friends every now and then. Responsible parties and drinking beers at school pubs with your good friends are rewarding experiences that you won’t forget.


I will share how to write exams successfully next time.

What are your tips of succeeding at university?


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