2014 September wasn’t a great looking month for me. Nothing much really happened. I moved about $4,000 cash to my wife’s TFSA. I purchased VTI for US market exposure and VCE for Canadian market exposure. Both of them lost some money (1% of their net worth) but I don’t really care about the short term fluctuation. I am positive that their value will go up from a long term perspective. For those of you who is purchasing foreign currency stocks and frequently trade then always make sure to set up your investment account in a way that you don’t lose much money from currency translation. You can call your investment adviser and purchase the foreign currency account itself with your domestic currency and when you sell and buy, the money will be used from the foreign currency account thus saving fees from not translating back and forth.
We are looking into renting a condo on Bay st of Toronto that is close to my work and we will be signing the lease agreement tomorrow which is quite exciting. They are about $300 more expensive than my current rent but when I think of the savings from having not to incur transportation costs and other miscellaneous costs such as hydro, internet, cable, laundry as they will be all included in the rent it is worth it. Although I kinda enjoyed morning and evening commute of subways which made me force to read books I prefer to spend some more time with my wife and my dog. Maybe I can try to force myself to read in the morning and in the evening at home. Haha
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