Trust me, this short article will change your life.
Pardon my humbleness… Let me be very direct.
You will be a millionaire!

Welcome to the club!
You think I am joking?
Fortunately, for you… I am not.
After reading this article….
-at the minimum, you will be a millionaire and live a very comfortable life.
-many of you will retire very early and will never work again. Working would be optional for you.
-some of you will be a multi-millionaire before you die.
Sounds too good to be true?
I agree.
But I really believe I will be a millionaire and retire before 45 years old and so will many of you.
Retiring before 45 years old!?
What the heck!! That will never happen!! I am outta here because you are clearly a lunatic.
I do not blame you because I was just like you.
Everyone is supposed to work until 65, retire and collect pension right?
I am sure the government will take care of us because we worked very hard.
Not really…
Let me tell you my story a bit. About 2.5 years ago, I was just like many of us. I worked my ass off making and saving money diligently day and night trying to support my family. I saw no meaningful progress. I questioned…
Is this supposed to be my life forever?
I am working really hard but why am I not getting rich?
But very fortunately, I randomly stumbled upon some books that completely changed my life.
How did the books change my life?
At least $200,000 and that is growing at a rapid speed.
Albert Einstein said,
“Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World”
Order the best personal finance books starting from #1 right now!!!
Do not walk away with nothing.
This is your life changing moment. Only $5- 20 and 5 hours of your time invested in books will completely transform you and make you a millionaire at the minimum. Your concept about money will entirely change after finish reading the books.
“Do not work for money. Let the money work for you!”
Was it enough introduction? Without further ado, here are 10 Best personal finance and investing books everyone must read to be a millionaire.
(I recommend you to read in order of the following. It is very important to understand ‘BIG PICTURE’ first and find books that will get you hooked first. Rich dad and Poor dad is a masterpiece that will teach you the most important fundamentals of getting rich with easy, fun and entertaining story telling.
Your million dollar journey should be fun and exciting not boring.
No one can force you make you rich.
It is YOUR focus and dedication will make things happen!
For Americans (Canadian books are below)
1. Rich dad and Poor dad
The best introductory personal finance money book ever created. Very fun and easy to read and motivational.
Are you ready to be rich? Trust me, Robert Kiyosaki will get you all fired up.
Just buy the book for $10 and I guarantee that this will teach you so many valuable golden rules that you just wish you knew 10 years ago. Don’t worry. It is never too late and you can still make it a go and be a millionaire.
Don’t work for the money let the money work for you
-Robert Kiyosaki
2. The Total Money Makeover
He uses so many real life examples. He teaches you to get out of debt and build wealth smartly that anyone can follow. He will convince you that you really can be a millionaire with your determination.
Very easy to follow. Dave is very honest and genuine. For this book, I would recommend you to buy the audiobook instead. I often listen to him through his audiobook when I commuted to work. Amazing voice. The paper book is great as well.
We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like
-Dave Ramsey
3. I will teach you to be rich
Extremely easy to read. Less than 10 hours of reading time will change your life.
No guilt. No Excuses. No bullshit. 6 week program that works like a charm.
Ramit will teach redefine what sexy means in his book. He talks about importance of saving, minimizing debt, never to trust professional money advisers, investing your own money and letting money work for you. After all who cares more about your own money? I do not think your money advisers care about you but their own pockets.
The single most important factor to getting rich is getting started, not being the smartest person in the room
-Ramit Sethi
4. Think and Grow Rich
Do you want to know the secrets ingredients of the greatest Thomas Edison, Graham Bell, John Rockefeller, Henry Ford etc…? The author interviewed hundreds of successful people and put together invaluable wisdom for us for less than $15. This book is my forever collection that makes me keep coming back.
Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.
-Napoleon Hill
5. The Compound Effect
Albert Einstein said “Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World”
You know compounding will make you very rich with right formula but you gotta start from somewhere.
What I really like about the book is that Darren took compounding to another level.
He applies it to almost everything of our life- money, investments, career, life, relationships…
Trust me, after finishing up his book or even before finishing it, you would have completed your plan of attacks on your goals and dreams. That’s how powerful the book is. Great book!
Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time =RADICAL DIFFERENCE
-Darren Hardy
Little more advanced from here.
6. One Up on Wall Street
Peter Lynch.. He is one of the greatest money manager of multi-billion dollar Magellan Fund. Lynch is my hero in investing. What’s amazing about him is that he made me think about what’s happening with my surroundings and how to take advantage of it. Analyze the heck out of your surroundings. Ignore the ups and downs of the markets and stick to quality.
Check out what I wrote about him if you want before buying the book.
Never invest in any idea you can’t illustrate with a crayon
-Peter Lynch
7. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
Another legend. Among so many books that are written about this second richest guy on the planet, this is my one of favorites.
This digs deeply about who really that sexy old man is. I am sure you are curious about what the second richest man’s daily life is like.
Big personal jet, lavish party, 25 ounce $3,000 T bone stake, beautiful yacht… right?
I watched a documentary about him not so long ago and the funniest part was when Buffett picks up breakfast sandwich from Mcdonald’s.
“When I’m not feeling quite so prosperous, I might go with the $2.61,” he explains. “That’s two sausage patties and then I put them together and then pour myself a Coke. $3.17 is a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. But the market’s down this morning, so I think I’ll pass up the $3.17 and go with the $2.95.”
I finished the book in two sittings. That’s how much fun I had.
Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.
-Warren Buffett
8.The Little Book That Beats the Market
Joel Greenblatt is another super investor that I respect very highly.
He basically tells you to use his very simple formula “Magic formula” when investing in stock markets.
He formula is extremely simple. Find stocks that show lowest Price to Earning (P/E ratio) and highest Return on Equity (ROE).
By investing in 20-30 companies show high earnings yield with a high return on capital, he averaged a 17 year annual return of 30%. 30%/ year means, at the end of 3 years of investing, you would have doubled your investment and at the end of 10 years, you would have 14 times of your initial investment. That’s pure insanity.
The more confidence I have in each one of my stock picks, the fewer companies I need to own in my portfolio to feel comfortable.
-Joel Greenblatt
9. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
Fisher is considered to be Warren Buffet’s most significant influence. Imagine that… The most significant influence of the second richest sexy old man. The book really walk you through how to analyze businesses in very details.
Quality, Quality, Quality… Fisher really focuses on quality of the investments and sticking to it as long as the quality exists.
Many of investing guru compares to Ben Graham, the father of value investing but I think Philip Fisher is well beyond Ben Graham. Far Far Far higher.
If you take your investment and portfolio seriously and then this is a must-read.
Doing what everyone else is doing at the moment, and therefore what you have an almost irresistible urge to do, if often the wrong thing to do at all.
-Philip Fisher
10. Essays of Warren Buffett- Lessons for Corporate America
Another very entertaining books about Warren Buffett. The author beautifully organized all of Buffett’s famous annual chairman’s letters that you would have heard of.
Interested about Buffett’s philosophy in his own words?
Do you want to know about how to create a successful business regardless of its size?
This is the book to read.
Don’t Invest in Stocks, Invest in the Businesses Behind Them
-Warren Buffett
For Canadians (I am a Konadian (Korean immigrant to Canada) after all… Oh Canada. My land of opportunity and dream)
1. Rich dad and Poor dad
The best introductory personal finance money book ever created. Very fun and easy to read and motivational.
Are you ready to be rich? Trust me, Robert Kiyosaki will get you all fired up.
Just buy the book for $10 and I guarantee that this will teach you so many valuable golden rules that you just wish you knew 10 years ago. Don’t worry. It is never too late and you can still make it a go and be a millionaire.
Don’t work for the money let the money work for you
-Robert Kiyosaki
2. Wealthy barber returns
I have read countless personal finance and investing books in my life and this is the one of the most entertaining and fun books to read. Tones of straightforward money advice will get you started. Great introductory book.
A dollar saved is two dollars earned.
– David Chilton
3. Think and Grow Rich
Do you want to know the secrets ingredients of the greatest Thomas Edison, Graham Bell, John Rockefeller, Henry Ford etc…? The author interviewed hundreds of successful people and put together invaluable wisdom for us for less than $15. This book is my forever collection that makes me keep coming back.
Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.
-Napoleon Hill
4. Millionaire Teacher- Nine Rules of Wealth you should have learned in school
The nine fantastic rules to follow
Rule 1. Spend like you want to grow rich- Be Savy and frugal
Rule 2. Use the greatest investment ally you have- Power of compound interest
Rule 3- Small percentages pack big punches- Why invest in mutual funds and make banker rich? Low cost index ETFs are way to go.
Rule 4- Conquer the enemy in the mirror- It is not timing the market that matters but it is time in the market. Take advantage of fear and Greed.
Rule 5- Build mountains of money with a responsible portfolio- Bonds? What about couch potato portfolio
Rule 6- Sample a “Round- the-World” ticket to indexing- International index ETF investing
Rule 7- Peek inside a pilferer’s playbook- Avoid financial advisers!
Rule 8- Avoid seduction- Watch out for sirens of the markets. Boring is great when it comes to investing
Rule 9- The 10% stock-picking solution… If you really can’t help yourself- Buy business not Stocks… especially great quality business.
Many have jeopardized their own pursuit of wealth or financial independence for the allusion of looking wealthy instead of being wealthy
-Andrew Hallam
5. I will teach you to be rich
Extremely easy to read. Less than 10 hours of reading time will change your life.
No guilt. No Excuses. No bullshit. 6 week program that works like a charm.
Ramit will teach redefine what sexy means in his book. He talks about importance of saving, minimizing debt, never to trust professional money advisers, investing your own money and letting money work for you. After all who cares more about your own money? I do not think your money advisers care about you but their own pockets.
The single most important factor to getting rich is getting started, not being the smartest person in the room
-Ramit Sethi
Little more advanced
6. One Up on Wall Street
Peter Lynch.. He is one of the greatest money manager of multi-billion dollar Magellan Fund. Lynch is my hero in investing. What’s amazing about him is that he made me think about what’s happening with my surroundings and how to take advantage of it. Analyze the heck out of your surroundings. Ignore the ups and downs of the markets and stick to quality.
Check out what I wrote about him if you want before buying the book.
Never invest in any idea you can’t illustrate with a crayon
-Peter Lynch
7. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
Another legend. Among so many books that are written about this second richest guy on the planet, this is my one of favorites.
This digs deeply about who really that sexy old man is. I am sure you are curious about what the second richest man’s daily life is like.
Big personal jet, lavish party, 25 ounce $3,000 T bone stake, beautiful yacht… right?
I watched a documentary about him not so long ago and the funniest part was when Buffett picks up breakfast sandwich from Mcdonald’s.
“When I’m not feeling quite so prosperous, I might go with the $2.61,” he explains. “That’s two sausage patties and then I put them together and then pour myself a Coke. $3.17 is a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. But the market’s down this morning, so I think I’ll pass up the $3.17 and go with the $2.95.”
I finished the book in two sittings. That’s how much fun I had.
Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.
-Warren Buffett
8. The Little Book That Beats the Market
Joel Greenblatt is another super investor that I respect very highly.
He basically tells you to use his very simple formula “Magic formula” when investing in stock markets.
He formula is extremely simple. Find stocks that show lowest Price to Earning (P/E ratio) and highest Return on Equity (ROE).
By investing in 20-30 companies show high earnings yield with a high return on capital, he averaged a 17 year annual return of 30%. 30%/ year means, at the end of 3 years of investing, you would have doubled your investment and at the end of 10 years, you would have 14 times of your initial investment. That’s pure insanity.
The more confidence I have in each one of my stock picks, the fewer companies I need to own in my portfolio to feel comfortable.
-Joel Greenblatt
9. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
Fisher is considered to be Warren Buffet’s most significant influence. Imagine that… The most significant influence of the second richest sexy old man. The book really walk you through how to analyze businesses in very details.
Quality, Quality, Quality… Fisher really focuses on quality of the investments and sticking to it as long as the quality exists.
Many of investing guru compares to Ben Graham, the father of value investing but I think Philip Fisher is well beyond Ben Graham. Far Far Far higher.
If you take your investment and portfolio seriously and then this is a must-read.
Doing what everyone else is doing at the moment, and therefore what you have an almost irresistible urge to do, if often the wrong thing to do at all.
-Philip Fisher
10. Essays of Warren Buffett- Lessons for Corporate America
Another very entertaining books about Warren Buffett. The author beautifully organized all of Buffett’s famous annual chairman’s letters that you would have heard of.
Buffett tells you.
“Don’t Invest in Stocks, Invest in the Businesses Behind Them”
Interested about Buffett’s philosophy in his own words?
Do you want to know about how to create a successful business regardless of its size?
This is the book to read.
Don’t Invest in Stocks, Invest in the Businesses Behind Them
-Warren Buffett
There are at least 30-50 great personal finance and investing books out there so it was very challenging for me to pick only the best 10 subjectively.
I am sure you know another great personal finance and investing books that changed your life.
I will be very happy to hear your recommendations.
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